Monday, August 23, 2010

More home made breakfast!

I officially announce here: July is the month of "PEACH!"

Taiwan has its local grown high mountain peach but you can find all kinds of imported peaches from USA and Japan in higher end supermarkets. They are not cheap but the taste is sensational!
We love peaches and last month, we discovered one kind of strange yellow peach from Japan which we never had it before! The morning was nice and kitchen was super bright in the morning cause our living room facing East [you know---Feng-Shui, hahaa]. We had simple and delicious breakfast together in our lovely kitchen again.

bright and shine

Aoki Jam--yummy!
Left side dish is the new Japanese peach we found!
Le chef preparing the dessert for dinner after the breakfast
Red wine "APPLE"---a twist from red wine pear..cause our apple was going to go bad...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Breakfast in our new kitchen

New Kitchen is not completely done but it is usable. Our favorite thing to do is cooking a big big breakfast together.
Zombie in the kitchen

Have a nice day!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Sofa pix are coming soon~~

Here you can sneak a peek of THE sofa!!