Friday, August 28, 2009

The War zone part 0.5

I found those pictures last night.
We were just back to Taiwan from Sweden and could not help but want to check how the "project" going on? So we woke up super early and went to check the apartment before work [ YES, we started working right after our wedding ceremony, you know, Asian style].

Here it was, a War zone, right before the pictures I showed in last post so I called these the war zone 0.5. Everything were half bagged and some pipes were half falling down...very happening.

The hard workers were up there eating their breakfast already and we were amazed how much garbages were installed in this oldie! It also felt like a fresh start, our hearts were starting beating fast and got all excited about our coming up home .AAB No. 1.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big step one-- Knock everything down, I mean, yes, Everything.

After the painful Process of payments, taxes, and all the private information exchanges, we finally were the legal owners of this place! Which also meant that we were allowed to do anything to this place besides blow it up although what we did was not too far away of it........haha.

Anyways, while we were celebrating our marriage in Sweden this July, a group of hardworking men were knocking walls down, pulling all the ugly decorations off in our newly purchase home at the same time!

Here are the amazing results after one week work~~

The apartment was naked and full of hope~~

1. The stair way was there because we needed to get on 2nd floor and it is gone now!!
2.The guy with hat is my old interior designer friend who is helping us on this remodeling process.